
Using the Step Assignment Window

Created: 02/19/2018Updated: 02/20/2018

The Step Assignment window is very similar to the To-Dos. But it allows you to query step assignments based on a variety of fields. This would allow you to easily pull up all the steps for a specific person in your congregation or all the steps that a specific leader is responsible for. Or maybe you want to view all the steps that require a manual text.

To access the Step Assignment screen, expand the Tracks menu. Click on Step Assignments. By default this screen will list all steps that haven’t been completed. It will list the person’s name that is assigned to the step, the step leader name, the track name, the step name, the step action and step due date. If you’d like to modify the information displayed on this screen, click on the PREF icon at the top of the window. From here you can change the information displayed in the grid. You can also change which fields are included in the Quick Search. trackstepassignwindow

To change the information displayed on the grid, make sure you are anchored on the Grid tab. Double click on a field name from the left column to move it to the Displayed column. To remove a field from the grid, click on that field name under the Displayed column, then click the arrow pointing left.

To change what is available for Quick Search, click on the PREF icon. Click on the Quick Search tab. Double click on a field name from the left column to move it to the Displayed column. To remove a field from the quick search, click on that field name under the Displayed column, then click the arrow pointing left.

Search for Step Assignments

This window will be useful to find all the steps that are assigned to a specific person in your congregation or to view all steps assigned to a specific leader. To search for an assignment based on the person’s name, start typing the last name. Make sure that Last Name is listed after the Quick Search. Then begin typing that name in the empty field to the right of Last Name. The list of all the incomplete step assignments for this person will be listed.

To find all the assignments for a leader, make sure that Step Leader is the selected field to the right of Quick Search. Begin typing the last name for the leader you are interested in. The list will be reduced to only those assignments for that step leader.


Reassign Leaders

To reassign step leaders from the Step Assignment screen, highlight one or more assignments. Right mouse click or click on the REASSIGN LEADER button in the lower right corner. To confirm you want to do this, click the “I know what I’m doing” button. Next, enter the last name of the new track leader for those assignments. Double click on the specific person in the list to select them as the new track leader.

View or Edit Step Assignments

To view the details for a specific assignment, double click on it from the Step Assignment screen. You will be taken to the Step window. From this window, you can make changes to the leader for this assignment, enter a completion date, enter notes or delete the step entirely.


Delete Assignments

If for some reason you need to delete a step assignment, simply highlight the assignment from the Step Assignment screen, then click the –DELETE button in the lower left of the grid. You may also double click on the assignment, then click the DELETE STEP button in the lower right of this window

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