
Duplicate Check

Created: 11/15/2017Updated: 11/26/2017

To identify potential duplicate records, expand the people menu. Click on Find Duplicate Reocrds. The area to the right will allow you to select your duplicate criteria.

To see all the people that have the same first and last name, click the First and Last Name button. To see all the people that have the same address but are in different families, click on the Same Address option. To see all the folks with the same home number, click on the option for Home Phone.

From the display of potential duplicates, click on a person that appears to be a duplicate record, then click on the next record that appears to be a duplicate with the first. These records will be placed side by side so you can view the information. dupcheckGIF

From the buttons underneath each record, you may perform several actions:

  1. Click the DISPLAY button to view the person’s entire record.
  2. Click the TRANSFER$ button to transfer the donations from one record to the other.
  3. Click the TRANSFER button to transfer other details such as visitations, group membership and comments.
  4. Once you’ve viewed and transferred information as required, you may delete the unwanted duplicate record.

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