
Bulk Changes

Created: 11/15/2017Updated: 11/26/2017

Many of the people and group fields can be changed “en masse”. For example if you wanted to change a city name from from St. Thomas to Saint Thomas, you can use the bulk changes area.

Global change to people or address information

As an example, let’s say that you want to change all people that have an Association of Member to a ne Association of “Partner”. To do this:

  1. Expand the People menu.
  2. Click on Bulk Changes.
  3. Use the “Run For” area to select what you want to make this change to. In this example, select Associations, then click over Member.
  4. Next select the column you will be changing. In this example it is Association.
  5. Enter the new value for the Assocation.
  6. Click PROCESS CHANGE to complete the change. bulkchange

Global change to group information

As an example, let’s say that you want to change all the groups that have a Department of Children’s to “Kids Place”. To do this:

  1. Expand the Group menu.
  2. Click on Bulk Changes.
  3. Use the “Change” area to select the groups to make this change to. In this example, select Groups with a Department of Childrens’
  4. Next select the column you will be changing. In this example it is Department.
  5. Enter the new value Kids Place.
  6. Click PROCESS CHANGE to complete the change.


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