
Publishing Group Meetings

Created: 12/21/2017Updated: 03/21/2018

To view group meetings on your Roll Call Calendar, you’ll need to adjust some settings in the Group Definition.

To modify these settings go to Groups>Search. Double click on the specific group. Enter the following information.


Status - Make sure the status (field above Starting On) is showing that the group is active. If the status is Inactive the group will not be displayed on the calendar. To activate the service, click the ACTIVATE button in the lower left of the window.

Starting On - Enter the date that this group should first show up on the calendar.

Ending On - If this specific group will no longer meet after a certain date, enter that date here. If this group will continue on, do not enter an end date.

Publish on Calendar - If you would like to see this group on the Roll Call calendar, mark the box for “publish on Calendar”.

Color - Choose the color you’d like to use for this group on the calendar.

Frequency - Indicate how often this group meets. The choices are weekly and monthly.

Repeat - If your frequency is weekly, indicate if it should repeat each week, every 2nd week, every 3rd week etc. If you frequency is monthly, indicate if it should repeat every month. Also if it should repeat the 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th or last week of the month.

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