
Publishing CMI Events

Created: 12/21/2017Updated: 03/21/2018

To view your Events (from Count Me In) on your Roll Call Calendar, you’ll need to adjust some settings in Events on the Roll Call side.

For an event to show up on the Roll Call Calendar, the events from CMI must be Sync’d into Roll Call. See CMI Sync for more information on the Sync process. Once the event is pulled into Roll Call, go to Events>Search . Double click on the specific event.


Starting On - This is the start date of your event as defined in CMI. This is the first date that your event will show up on the Calendar.

Ending On – This is the ending date of your event as defined in CMI. This is the last date that your event will show up on the Calendar.

Publish on Calendar - If you would like to see this event on the Roll Call calendar, mark the box for “publish on Calendar”.

Color - Choose the color you’d like to use for this event on the calendar.

Frequency - Indicate how often this event meets. The choices are weekly and monthly.

Repeat - If your frequency is weekly, indicate if it should repeat each week, every 2nd week, every 3rd week etc. If you frequency is monthly, indicate if it should repeat every month. Also if it should repeat the 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th or last week of the month.

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