
Print Visitation Log

Created: 10/27/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

In Roll Call, visitations are considered those times that someone from your ministry (pastor, staff member, deacon, elder) goes out and visits someone from the congregation.

The visitation log is a three part report. The first section outlines the basic information for a family. The second part contains the details of the last visit with this family. The third part is a section for the caller to write notes.


To print the visitation log, you’ll need to decide which families need to be visited. Do you need a log for families of a certain associations or a specific family? To create the visitation logs, do the following:

  1. Expand the People menu.

  2. Click on Reports.

  3. Click on Visitation Log.

  4. If you’d like a log report for every family of a certain association, click over the specific associations. visitationlogcriteriatab

  5. If you’d like the log report for a specific family, click the box for individual. A Pop up window will be presented for you to enter the last name, then pick from a list of folk with that last name.

  6. If you’d like a log report for folks missing since a certain time, enter the date, then check the box for missing.

  7. Click GENERATE to send the report to the printer.

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