Check In by Service

Created: 11/14/2017Updated: 11/28/2017

If you would like to view list of people from your database and have the ability to mark them present at a worship service, you will want to check in by service.

To check in by service, you’ll need to log onto your tablet as a mobile check in user that has the preference to “check in by service”. For more information on creating users, see the *** chapter on “Check In Setup” ***.

Once you’ve logged onto the check in system on your tablet, you’ll have a drop down list of all services that are currently meeting. Choose your service. You’ll be presented with a list of families that have the associations you selected for that service. Press the check mark to the right of the family to mark each person in the family present. Tap on the family name, to select specific individuals in that family to mark them present.


Note the total count in the upper right of the window. That indicates how many people you have marked as present. If you need to add to that number to get to the real head count, add that in the field underneath.

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