To check a family in based on their last name or phone number, tap in the entry field. Enter the name or last four digits of the phone number. Tap SEARCH.
A list of families with that last name will be displayed. Tap on the family that is present to check in to get to the list of family members. If there is only one family with that last name the system will take you right to the list of family members.
To check in everyone listed, tap Check In All. If you want to check in only certain children, move the slider underneath their class, to check them in. Once you’ve selected each child that will check in, tap on Check In to complete the check in process.
Note the class that the child will be checked into is listed under their name on the screen. If you would like to change which class the child will go to, tap on the students name to get to the options window. All classes that are currently meeting will be listed underneath the allergy and notes area. Use the slider to choose which class they should check into. Tap DONE. To complete the check in process, tap CHECK IN.
If the child is not enrolled in any classes that are currently meeting, tap on the students name to get to the options window. Choose the class you’d like to check them into. Tap DONE to return to the list of family members. Tap CHECKIN to complete the process.