
Giving Fund Settings

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

If you will be opening up Roll Call Connect for online giving, you will need to set some preferences in the Giving Fund area. This allows you to set which funds you will allow people to contribute to through your online giving system.

To configure your Giving Funds, do the following:

  1. Expand the Contributions menu.
  2. Click on Giving Funds.
  3. Double click on one of your existing Funds, or click the +ADD sign to add a new fund.
  4. Mark the box for Connect, if you’d like donors to be able to contribute to that fund through online giving.
  5. Mark the box for Include in Budget, if this is a fund that should be counted toward the total giving amount.
  6. Click SAVE & CLOSE. Givingfunds connect

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