Under normal circumstances, recurring contributions are posted automatically by Roll Call. They can also be posted manually by a user if need be. When recurring contributions are posted, a batch is created and specific contribution records are created in that batch. The contribution administrator will be notified via email that recurring contributions have been posted.
Each morning, Roll Call evaluates the active recurring contributions profiles to determine if they need to be posted on today’s date. When a recurring contribution is posted, a batch is created with all the contributions that are to be created for that day. As an example, lets say we have 10 monthly recurring contributions that are to post on the 15th. Also we have 2 weekly contributions that are set up to post on Fridays. In our example, the 15th falls on a Friday. At around 2 in the morning on the 15th, the recurring contribution process will create a batch that includes the 10 monthly contributions as well as the 2 Friday contributions.
This is the normal processing for recurring contributions. You need to leave Roll Call running overnight for this processing to occur. If for some reason the system is down, Roll Call will evaluate recurring contributions based on the last time the process was run when it comes back up.
You can also manually post recurring contributions. You may need to do this if you enter the recurring contribution profile, after the processing for that day has taken place. For example, if you enter a recurring contribution for the 15th of each month on the 15th. The processing for the 15th has already occurred, so that contribution will not post automatically until next month on the 15th.
To post a recurring contribution, expand the Contributions menu. Expand the Recurring Contributions menu, then click Search. Highlight the contributions to be posted, click POST.