
Create Recurring Contribution Profile

Created: 11/06/2017Updated: 11/06/2017

To enter a new recurring contribution profile, expand the Contributions menu. Expand the Recurring Contributions menu. Click on Add Recurring Gift. From the window that is displayed, enter the following:

  1. Enter the donor’s Last Name and press the tab key. A list of people with that last name will be displayed. Click on the appropriate person to select. Notice the full name and address is displayed under Donor/Address.
  2. Enter the Designation. The designation is the fund that the person is donating to.
  3. Select the Status. The options for status are active or inactive. Contribution entries will only be created for active recurring contributions.
  4. Enter the Amount of the contribution.
  5. Enter the Frequency of the recurring contribution. If the donor wishes to make this contribution once per month, select Monthly. If the donor wishes to make this contribution twice a month, select Bi-Monthly. If the donor wishes to contribute every other week, select Bi-Weekly. If the donor wishes to make this contribution each week, select Weekly.
  6. Enter the value for Day 1 and Day 2 if applicable. If the frequency is monthly, enter the day of the month that the contribution should be posted in Day 1. If the frequency is BiMonthly, enter the two days that the contribution should be posted in Day 1 and Day 2. If the frequency is weekly, do not enter any value in Day 1 or Day 2.
  7. Enter the Day of Week for profiles that are weekly contributions.
  8. Enter the Start Date. This is the effective date for recurring contribution processing. Contributions will not be created before this date.
  9. Click OK to save this profile and return to the Summary window. Click OK & NEXT to save and enter a new profile. Enter CANCEL to ignore the data entered and return to theSummary window. recurringcontribution

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