
Custom Export

Created: 10/27/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

There are several exports available in Roll Call.

Custom Export allows you to define which fields should be included in the export file. You can choose between a tab delimited text file or csv file.

Lifetouch Export is a pre-defined export file that you can provide Lifetouch if you will be using them to create a picture directory for your church.

Family Export is a pre-defined export. It creates a tab delimited text file that contains some basic information about each family member. If you were to open this file up in Excel, there would be one row for each family in your selection.

Picture Export allows you to export each of the pictures in Roll Call to a jpg file on your hard drive.

The custom export allows you to create a file with Roll Call data in it. The export file can be used to pull contact information into your email program or to pull information into Excel. You will be able to define who should be included in the export. You will also define which pieces of information should be included in the file. Finally you’ll need to choose the type of file (*.txt or *.csv).

To create the file:

  1. Expand the People menu.

  2. Click on Export.

  3. On the criteria tab, make sure the Export Type is set to Custom.

  4. On the criteria tab, select the Run For category. This allows you to choose who you want included in the export. Is it everyone? Only people of certain associations? Only people in certain groups? Etc.

  5. Once you’ve selected your Run For category, click on the values that represent the people you would like included in the export file. Those values should now be listed in the Selected column. exportselectcolumnsgif

  6. On the columns tab, choose the fields you’d like included in the file. Double click on a field name to move it to the Selected column. There are 3 sections of fields: People, Addresses, and Special. Click on the plus sign or arrow in front of the section name to view all the fields in that section.

  7. In the lower right of the columns tab, choose to create 1 row in the file for each individual or each family from your selection list.

  8. In the lower right of the columns tab, choose the file format you’d like. exportoutputselection

  9. Click GENERATE to create your export file.

  10. A window will be displayed for you to select the location of the file and the name of the file. Enter this information, then click SAVE.

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