

Created: 10/25/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

Roll Call allows each user to set its own dashboard, each according to the security levels allowed per user. For instance, only people with access to contributions will be allowed to set up widgets that have contribution info in them.

Available Widgets (graphs)

Each user has the ability to choose what widgets they want to have displayed. The defaults will be in effect until they choose to change them. The user can choose from the following widgets. Each widget has multiple choices for graph types (pie, bar, column, etc.)

Giving by Fund – Shows a break down of top 6 funds given to as well as an Other category for all remaining funds. Pie Chart displays percentages of giving for each category for the current year. Other graph types show counts.

Giving by Week - Shows a break down of top 6 funds given to as well as an Other category for all remaining funds. This displays amounts of giving for each category for the past 8 weeks.

Giving by Month – Shows a break down of top 6 funds given as well as an Other category for all remaining funds. This displays amounts of giving for each category for the past 6 months.

Giving by Year – Shows a break down of top 6 funds given to as well as an Other category for all remaining funds. This displays amounts of giving for each category for the past 4 years.

Attendance by Week – Shows a break down of attendance by type (group/service/event) for the last 8 weeks.

Attendance by Month – Shows a break down of attendance by type (group/service/event) for the last 6 months.

Attendance by Year – Shows a break down of attendance by type (group/service/event) for the last 4 years.

Visitors by Week – Shows visitor counts for the last 8 weeks.

Giving vs. Attendance – Shows total giving vs Service Head Count for the last 6 weeks.

People by Association – Shows a break down of top 6 associations based on counts as well as an Other category for all remaining associations. Pie Chart displays percentages for each category. Other graph shows counts.

Families by City – Shows a break down of top 6 cities based on counts as well as an Other category for all remaining Cities. Pie Chart displays percentages for each category. Other graph types show counts.

Families by Postal Code – Shows a break down of top 6 Postal Codes based on counts as well as an Other category for all remaining Postal Codes. Pie Chart displays percentages for each category. Other graph types show counts.

Families by Shepherd Area – Shows a break down of top 6 Shepherd Areas based on counts as well as an Other category for all remaining Shepherd Areas. Pie Chart displays percentages for each category. Other graph types show counts.

Customizing Your Dashboard

Once logged in as the user you wish to set widgets up for:

  1. Go to the PREFS at the top of your screen. It looks like a gearbox.
  2. You can select up to 3 widgets, not including birthday and visitor widgets.
  3. Select for widget one, two and three and decide which type of chart you wish to see in each. You will have the option of Pie, Column, or Bar charts, Area or Line, depending on each widget.
  4. Next, click on the Birthday widget. Decide who you wish to view birthdays for… just members? If so, select Associations and choose members.
  5. Next, select the Visitors widget. This will show you attendance information of anyone with an association of visitors Decide if you want to show just services, or certain groups. widgetsgif3

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