

Created: 10/24/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

There are various preferences for Roll Call that will affect how the program operates. To change the preferences, do the following:

  1. If you are using a Windows machine, choose the Edit menu from the top menu.
  2. If you are using Mac machine, choose the Roll Call menu from the top menu section.
  3. Click on Preferences.
  4. Click on the section you’d like to update from the left sidebar list.
  5. Make your change and click OK to save those settings.


To set the preferences for people type information, click on People on the left sidebar of the Preferences screen. Make sure you are anchored on the General tab at the top to set the following preferences.

Optional Mailing Name Autofill – The optional mailing name is an area where you can enter a salutation for addressing purposes. Only use this area if you need to address correspondence in a non-standard way. Our standard options are to use the Titles or First Names. So a standard format would be Mr. & Mrs. David Conley OR David & Kim Conley. If you would like the system to automatically fill in this optional mailing name, mark YES.

Use Last Comm date – In the Dates section of the People screen, there is a custom date that can be used to record the Last Communion Date or Other Date. Choose which you would like to use.

Assign Family Numbers – Indicate if you’d like the system to automatically assign family number or if you’d like to enter them manually. If you choose to assign automatically, the system will ask what number you’d like to start with.

Make Family Position changes – If you would like to automatically change a CHILD to YOUTH and a YOUTH to ADULT at a certain age, mark YES. Enter the ages you’d like to make the change.

preference screen

Turn off Security Clearance Level – if you do not wish to have the Clearance Level displayed, mark this box.

Use Multiple Campuses – if your church is a multi-campus organization, mark YES. Indicate if the campus field should be mandatory. Indicate what value should be used as a default.

On the Custom tab, you can define the custom fields you’d like to use in Roll Call. Custom fields are any pieces of information you’d like to track about a person, but that we don’t have as a standard field. There are three types of fields you can define: text, checkbox or dates. To set up these custom fields, do the following:

  1. From the Preferences window, click on People on the left side list.
  2. Click on the __Custom __tab.
  3. Use the drop down box to choose the type of field you are defining. If the field requires a text response (for example an occupation) then choose field. If the field requires a yes/no answer (for example can you send email) choose checkbox. If the field is a date (for example baptism date) then select dates.
  4. Enter the label that you want displayed for that field.



For the preferences that affect address options, choose Address on the left side list. Set the following preferences:

Default Address fields – If you would like the city, state or postal code to always default to the same value as the organization address fields, mark those boxes.

Use Postal Preferred – If this box is checked then the mailing labels will be printed in all CAPS in a specific font.

Increase the size of the state field – if your organization is not in the US, you can increase the size of the state field to accommodate providences.

Display Country – if the people in your congregation are from different countries, mark the box to display the country field. This will allow you to enter a country as part of their address.

address pref

Web Mapping URL - to view an address in a web map such as google maps or mapquest, enter the URL of the program you’d like to use. We default to google maps. You will also need to indicate the address format required by your preferred program.

Address Validation – if you will be implementing address validation through smarty streets, check this box.

Smarty Streets Auth ID – enter the authorization ID for your account through Smarty Streets.

Smarty Streets Key – enter the key provided by Smarty Streets.


For the preferences that affect contribution data entry, click on Contributions from the left side list.

Enter key as tab – If you use the enter key on your numeric keypad and you’d like it to act as if you are using the tab key, mark this box.

Default Designation – To set a system wide default designation, enter it here.

Auto Connect to Pledge – Tell us how you’d like to connect giving to pledges. To you want a contribution to connect to the current pledge or to any outstanding pledges.

Automatically Print Receipt – If your organization provides a receipt for each individual gift, you may mark the box to print a receipt immediately after the contribution is entered. If you choose this option, indicate if you’d like to Include Pledge information and if you want to Print with out Header (on stationary).

Print Name on Deposit – If you want the donors name listed on the deposit slip for their check, mark this box.

Sort Order – Indicate how you’d like the Batch Detail report to be sorted… By Name or Entry Order.

Denote check – tell us how you want check to be spelled. For example, check vs cheque. contribution prefs


One of the ways that you can automatically record attendance is through the church check in system. If you will be printing bar code badges for use with check in, use these preferences to indicate what should be included on the badge.

Group Custom

Just like with people information, there may be custom information that you wish to capture about groups. Maybe you need to know what small groups are studying or the emergency contact for a certain group. You can create group custom fields to capture this information.

  1. Select the group type for which these custom fields should be used.
  2. Enter the label that you’d like to use for the custom field. group prefs

    Member Custom

    You may also have custom information about group members that you’d like to track. For example, maybe for the choir you need to know their voice type and what instrument they play. This can be recorded as a group custom field. To set those up go to Preferences and click on Member Custom from the left sidebar list. Enter the labels for the group member custom fields you’d like to use.

Member pref


To use Roll Call Connect, you must set up a variety of Connect preferences. To set those up, go to the Preferences and click on Connect. connect pref

Roll Call Connect Administrator The first preference is the Connect Administrator. The Connect Administrator is the user that will manage the look and feel of Connect, what fields will be displayed, and the staff permissions. To set the Administrators, do the following:

  1. On the left side you should see an area for Connect Administrators. Click on the plus sign underneath that area.
  2. Enter the Last Name of the Administrator. Pick the appropriate person from the list.
  3. Click OK in the lower right to save this information.

Staff Only - If you only want staff members, not the congregation, to have access to Roll Call information, you’ll need to mark the Staff checkbox to set this preference.

Access/Gateway Logs - Roll Call will record in the access logs each time a person logs into Roll Call Connect. It is up to you to decide how long you wish to maintain those logs. If you leave this preference as 0,access information will never be deleted. If you set this preference to 2 for example, it will keep 2 months of access information.

Roll Call will also track the people that access the gateway for online giving. It is up to your church to decide how long you wish to maintain this access information. If you leave this preference as 0, gateway logs will never be deleted. If you set this preference to 3, for example, Roll Call will maintain 3 months of gateway logs.

Giving Gateway The next preference is necessary if you will be using Online Giving through Roll Call Connect.

To set up this gateway information, do the following:

  1. On the right side of the preference window you’ll notice the fields for the Giving Gateway information. Use the drop down to select your churches Online Giving Provider.
  2. Enter your Gateway Username.
  3. Enter the Gateway Password.
  4. Enter the Gateway API Key provided to your church.
  5. If you will be using the merchant account sandbox to test things out, click on the Sandbox checkbox. Make sure to uncheck this, when you want to go live.
  6. Click OK to save this information.

SMS Text

You may use Roll Call to send texts to individuals, a group of people or your entire congregation. There are two methods that can be used to text. To set your preference for texting go to the Preferences window, then click on SMS Text on the left side. Your options are:

  1. Send via email. You will need to have your outgoing email information set up properly and you will also need to know the cell phone carrier for the person you are sending the text to. This option is free.
  2. Send via NexMo. NexMo is an SMS texting service. You will need to create an account with NexMo. When you do, you’ll get API Keys that you’ll need to enter in Roll Call. There is a very small charge for each text sent through this service.

sms text


To customize the icon bar color and background colors in Roll Call, use the preferences appearance section. From the preferences window, click on the appearance link on the left side. Use the button to the right of each color to change it.


Email Preferences

There are 3 options for sending email in Roll Call. To set the option you'd like to use, go to Preferences, then click on Email Preferences.

email pref

The first option is to use By the Book as your email provider. If you'd like to do this, click on the button for Use By the Book. Enter a default return address. You'll also want to set up a return address for Roll Call user. To do this, have each user log into Roll Call, then go to File>MyEmail and enter the email address they'd like as the reply to addres.

The second option is to use Global Custom settings. Use this option to use your own email provider information for each Roll Call user. So no matter who you are logged in as, the email settings will always be the same.

The third option is to use Email Settings per User. This option will use the settings defined under File>MyEmail for each user to send emails from Roll Call. This will allow you to use your own email provider to send the emails.

Recurring Gifts

If you will be using the Recurring Gift portion of Roll Call to automatically enter contributions on certain days, you can use this preference to set who is notified and some defaults. To enter this information, go to Preferences and click on Recurring Gifts. Enter the following information. recurring gift pref

Email Address 1 & 2 - Enter the email address of the person(s) who should be notified when a recurrent transaction has been entered by the system.

Default Designation - Select the designation that you'd like as the default when someone sets up recurring contribution.

Day 1 - Select the day number you'd like as the default when setting up recurring contributions. For example 15.

Day 2 - Select the day number you'd like as the default when setting up recurring contributions. For example 30.

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