
Activate User Security

Created: 10/24/2017Updated: 02/26/2018

If you would like to turn on the security system in Roll Call so that all users will need to log in, you will need to give Administrator and Director a password. To do this:

  1. Expand the Admin menu on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click on User Security
  3. Highlight Director.
  4. Click the CHANGE PASSWORD button. Assign a password.
  5. Click on Administrator.
  6. Click the CHANGE PASSWORD button and assign a password.

To add additional usernames, click on the plus sign in the lower left of the window. A window will pop up to enter the username and default password. To create a regular user, mark the option for Standard. To create a user that will man a check in station, choose the option for Check In (Client). Click OK to save this user. Next mark all the areas that they will be allowed to access.



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