
View or Edit Events

Created: 02/20/2018Updated: 04/19/2018

To view the details for a specific event, double click on the event from the Summary screen. You will be taken to the Events window. From this window, you can view the following information. eventssummarytab

Event Title – The name of the event as defined in CMI. The title cannot be modified in Roll Call. To make changes to the name, go into your CMI account and make the change. Re-sync to pull that change into Roll Call.

Description – The description of the event as defined in CMI. This cannot be modified in Roll Call. To make changes to the description, go into your CMI account and make the required changes. Re-sync to pull in that change.

Category - The category or classification of the event as defined in CMI. This cannot be modified in Roll Call. To change the category, go into your CMI account and make the change to the category. Re-sync to pull the change into Roll Call.

Starting On – The start date of the event. This cannot be changed in Roll Call. Go into your CMI account and make any required change to the start date. You will need to un-publish the event to change the start and ending dates. Once you have made the change in CMI, re-sync to pull the new information into Roll Call.

Ending On – The ending start date of the event. This cannot be changed in Roll Call. Go into your CMI account and make any required change to the end date. You will need to un-publish live events to change the start and ending dates in CMI. Once you have made the change in CMI, re-sync to pull the new information into Roll Call.

Starting Time – The start time of the event. This cannot be changed in Roll Call. Go into your CMI account and make any required change to the start time. You will need to un-publish live events to change the times. Once you have made the change in CMI, re-sync to pull the new information into Roll Call.

Ending Time – The end time of the event. This cannot be changed in Roll Call. Go into your CMI account and make any required change to the end time. You will need to un-publish live events to change the times. Once you have made the change in CMI, re-sync to pull the new information into Roll Call.

Labels - If you would like to print a name tag when the registrant checks in, enter the number of tags you’d like printed here.

Publish on Calendar – If you would like this event to show up on the Roll Call calendar, check this box.

Color – Select the color you’d like for this event on the calendar.

Frequency – for events that span weeks or months, indicate the frequency they should show up on the calendar. You may choose from weekly or monthly. Repeat every - if your event happens every other week, you can indicate how often to repeat the event on the calendar.

Summary Tab

The summary tab shows the event statistics.


Registrants – This will indicate how many people have signed up for the event since you last synchronized to Roll Call.

Last Sync Date - Indicates when the last synchronize happened.

Last Sync Time - Indicates the time the last sync happened.

Items - Lists each ticket and how many were sold and the total price for those tickets sold.

Registrants Tab

The registrants tab shows every person that registered for the event and all the registration information that they entered. As you highlight a name in the left grid, the right side will display what they signed up for or purchased. eventsregistrantstab

Sessions Tab

The sessions tab will list the days and times that the event is happening. This information is originally created based on the information from Count Me In. The sessions are very important for the check in process. Check In for the event can only happen on the days and times indicated here.

The sessions can be modified. Use the +Add or -Delete buttons underneath the grid to add or delete session.


Attendance Tab

The attendance tab displays a graph of attendance for the specific event. The right side will list each day attendance was recorded and how many attended.


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