Import deposit to QB or MYOB

Created: 11/03/2017Updated: 11/03/2017

When you post a batch in Roll Call you will be given the option to export for MYOB or Quickbooks. If you marked either box to create an export file, you will be prompted for a folder to create the file in. The file will automatically be named. Next you will be prompted for the bank account name that you’ll be depositing the money into.

To import the file in Quickbooks, do the following:

  1. Open Quickbooks.
  2. Select File>Utilities>Import>IIF files.
  3. Navigate to the file you just created.
  4. You should now have a deposit journal entry representing the batch.

To import the file into MYOB, select File>Import. Navigate to the file you just created. You now have a deposit journal entry that represents this batch.

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