
Standard Directory

Created: 11/09/2017Updated: 04/20/2018

The Standard Directory can include basic family contact information as well as family members individual phones and email addresses. The directory can be a 2 or 3 column format.


To configure the Standard Directory, do the following:

  1. Expand the Directory menu on the left sidebar.
  2. Highlight Standard.
  3. You’ll be presented with a list of all the families in your database. To reduce this list to only certain families, use the SEARCH icon at the top. For example if you only want members and regular attenders in the list, click on the Associations tab from the Search Database window. Then click on Member and Regular attender to move them to the selected column. Click QUERY in lower right. Now you have only members and regular attenders in the list for your directory.


  1. Click GENERATE to begin configuring your directory.
  2. Navigate through the options, general, custom, cover, fonts and output tabs to make your selections.
  3. Click GENERATE to build the directory.

Options tab

The Options tab allows you to pick the format for your directory. Choose a 2, or 3 column directory. Once you make your selection, click NEXT to go to the General tab.


General Tab

The General tab allows you to select which pieces of contact information should be included in the directory. Make your selection then click NEXT to go to the Custom tab.


  1. Mark Certain Association with asterisk – if you’d like members (or a certain association) to have an asterisk by their name, mark this box and choose the appropriate association.
  2. Address – mark to include the current, primary or both addresses.
  3. Show Birth Dates – mark to include birthdates. Also mark the date format you’d like to use for the children.
  4. Show Children’s Age – mark to include each child’s age.
  5. Show Wedding Date – mark to include the Anniversary Date for married couples.
  6. Show Associations – mark to include the association for the husband, wife or single adult.
  7. Show Shepherd area – mark to include the shepherd area for each family in the directory.
  8. Show Family Email – mark to include the family email address.

Custom Tab

The Custom tab allows you to choose individual email and phone numbers to include in the directory. Click on each value you’d like to include to move it to the selected column. All phones and email addresses included in the selected column will be included in the directory.


Cover Tab

The Cover tab allows you to create a cover page for your directory. A word processor is presented. Enter any text you’d like on the cover page. To insert an image, you’ll need to open the image in your graphics program. Within the graphics program choose Select All, then Copy. Back in the word processor on the cover tab, place your cursor where you would like the image and Paste it. Click NEXT to move to the font tab. standcover

Font Tab

The Font tab allows you to set the font type and size for each section of the directory: the header, footer, family names and body of the directory. Make your selections then press NEXT to move to the output tab.


Output Tab

In the setting section of the Output tab, you can adjust the margins for your directory. Mark the box Column Separator to place a line between columns. Mark the box for Cover to include a cover on the directory.


In the Output section, you can choose your output format.

  1. Print – sends the directory to your printer. You may also choose to print in a booklet format.
  2. Save to Disk – allows you to save the directory as a file. You may choose to save in a 4D Write, Word or HTML format.
  3. Open in Word Processor – this will open up the directory in Roll Call’s word processor. This is a great way to preview the directory.

Click GENERATE to create the directory in the format you’ve chosen.

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