
Classic Directory

Created: 11/09/2017Updated: 04/20/2018

The Classic Directory includes basic family contact information. The directory is a 2 column format.

classic dir

To configure the classic directory, do the following:

  1. Expand the Directory menu on the left sidebar.
  2. Highlight Classic.
  3. You’ll be presented with a list of all the families in your database. To reduce this list to only certain families, use the SEARCH icon at the top. For example if you only want members and regular attenders in the list, click on the Associations tab from the Search Database window. Then click on Member and Regular attender to move them to the selected column. Click QUERY in lower right. Now you have only members and regular attenders in the list for your directory. classicdirchooseassogif
  4. Click GENERATE DIRECTORY to choose your address options.
  5. Click GENERATE to send the directory to your printer.

General Tab

The General tab allows you to select which pieces of contact information should be included in the directory. Make your selection then click GENERATE to send your directory to the printer.


  1. Mark Certain Association with asterisk – if you’d like members (or a certain association) to have an asterisk by their name, mark this box and choose the appropriate association.
  2. Address – mark to include the current or primary addresses.

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