
Recover - Network System

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 11/27/2017

To recover from a backup, open Roll Call Server and immediately hold down the ALT/OPTION key to get the open file dialog box. Choose the option for Restore a Backup Datafile. Click OK. Navigate to your latest backup file. Highlight it and click OPEN. Your compiled database and data file will be recovered. restorebackuppart1restorebackuppart2 To point to this recovered datafile, we suggested moving it to the default location that Roll Call is currently pointing. Also, just in case, it is also recommended that rather than replacing your old datafile, you should rename it, just in case you end up wanted to keep it. To rename your original datafile that currently occupies the default location (Roll Call must be closed to do this) open up your computer to...

On Windows:

C:bythebook/RollCall/Database (for standalone) C:bythebook/RollCallserver/Serverdatabase (network)

On Mac: Applications/RollCall (standalone) Applications/RollCallserver (network)

Give you old datafile the name of ROLLCALLOLD (or anything similar will do).

After you have renamed the default datafile, go back to the location of your newly restored datafile, and make a copy of the RollCall.4DD you will find in your newly recovered backup folder (i.e. RollCall(001)). The location of this depends on where the Roll Call backup was located when you recovered it. In the picture below, you can see that mine was located in the Applications>RollCall folder. I recovered my backup from RollCall(001), and the new datafile I wish to use is now located in that folder. So, I make a copy,(right click and copy) of that RollCall.DD found in my RollCall(001) folder. recoverddatafile

On windows, take your copy of your new datafile to: C:bythebook/RollCall/Database (for standalone) C:bythebook/RollCallserver/Serverdatabase (network)

On Mac: Applications/RollCall (standalone) Applications/RollCallserver (network)

And now paste it there (right click and paste). If you decided not to rename the old datafile, it will ask if you want to copy and replace. Say yes.

The next step before launching Roll Call, is to delete the old RollCall.journal file found in the above default location as it is incompatible with the new datafile. Go ahead and do that, with a right click and delete. delete journal file Now you can launch Roll Call. It will notice that there is no journal(log) file. Select the option to CREATE. Then save it to the above location, the same location as the new datafile. It will also ask if you want to start the backup automatically. Select OK. journalfilejournalfile2 At this point, you should be able to log in and see your restored datafile.

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