
Backup - Network System

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 11/26/2017

On the network, the backup can be done on the server or from the client. To backup from the Server, click on Maintenance from the Server dashboard. Next click START BACKUP. To perform a backup from one of the clients, select Help>Administration window. This will display the Server dashboard and you can do the backup as if you were at the Server.

To set backup preferences, location, and frequency, click on Maintenance and click the PREFERENCES button. When you are anchored on the Configuration link on the left, you may set up the backup location. Make sure you backup both the data file and structure file. Also, if your church imports family or individual pictures make sure to also backup the Images folder under Roll Call Server.


When you are anchored on the Scheduler link on the left, you may set up the backup frequency.

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