
Format the Report

Created: 11/15/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

There are several formatting options in the report writer. These allow you to EDIT the titles, page breaks, whether to display detail lines, and the presentation of the report.


To set up the title of your report, select File>Headers and Footers from the quick report menu. Enter the text you’d like for your title in the appropriate text box.


Page breaks

To create a page break, you must have sorted your report on a certain field. Then you can create a page break, each time the value of that field changes. For example, let’s say we created a report that lists all donations for a given year. We wanted to sort those donations by the fund that they were designated to. Then we want a new page for the different funds.

When you sorted the report by designation, a new line or row is created in the spreadsheet called Designation changed. Right mouse click on that title and select Totals Spacing. The subtotals properties window is displayed. Click on the button for Generate Page Break.


Hide details

To create a summary report you will need to hide detail lines. For example, let’s say you want a donation report by fund designation. You only want totals for the designation, not every individual donation.

Output presentations

There are several things that can be done to change the appearance of the report.

  1. Page Setup
  2. Fonts
  3. Presentation

To change the orientation of the report from portrait to landscape, select File>Page Setup from the quick report menu. Choose the appropriate orientation.

You may change the font or the font size for a row, column or specific cell. Highlight the area you wish to change, then select the font style in size from the drop down boxes in the middle top of the window.


To modify the presentation of the report you can:

  1. Select Style>Borders to modify the types of border included in the report.
  2. Select Style>Presentation to pick a certain presentation.
  3. Select Style>Right/Left Justify to change the justification of a column.


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