
Edit a Saved Template

Created: 11/15/2017Updated: 11/15/2017

To edit the report, select Reports>Quick Reports and Labels from the main menu. From the Tables and Template window, double click on the template you’d like to modify. The query editor will be displayed, so you can select the data you want to see in the report. After you review the raw data, press the EDIT icon.

A message will be displayed, telling you the name and location of the template file. Remember this information. Once you are in the quick report window, select File>Open from the report writer window. Then navigate the template file from the message, highlight it and press SAVE. The columns and formatting will be displayed in the quick report window.

Make any changes you’d like to the columns or formatting on the report template. To run the report select File>Generate. If you’d like to save the changes, press File>Save.

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