Using the Calendar

Created: 12/21/2017Updated: 03/21/2018

To view the calendar in Roll Call, click on the Calendar menu item on the left side of the navigator screen. Notice on the top right of the calendar, you may choose the display format of the calendar.

Day - This format shows you only items for a specific day. The time is indicated on the left side of the calendar.

calendar-day Week – This format shows you a week at a glance. The days of the week are in a column with the times indicated on the right side of the calendar.


Month - This format displays the entire month.


Agenda – This format lists all events for a specific day

There is also a disk icon on the top bar of the calendar. If you would like save the picture to a png file, click the disk icon. The next window will ask for a name and location for your file.

If you would only like to see certain items on your calendar, you can use the Filter drop down to reduce what you see on the calendar. You can opt to hide groups, services, CMI events or calendar events. You can also filter based on any resources you created. To keep these filters permanent, click on SAVE FILTERS on the right side of the window.

calendar filters

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