
Attendance by Person

Created: 11/03/2017Updated: 11/07/2017

The attendance by Person report outlines the different services or groups a person came to if you run this report “by day”. If you run this report by week, month or year it will show you in a spreadsheet format how many times they attended each week, month or year.

To run the attendance by person report by day:

  1. Expand the Attendance menu.
  2. Click on Reports.
  3. Highlight Attendance by Person.
  4. Enter the date range for the attendance data you are interested in.
  5. Select “By Day” as the report type.
  6. On the “Who” tab, select which people you want to run this for. You can choose by association, groups, keywords, shepherd areas or search the database. Once you choose your type, you can pick the specific values. For example, if you wanted to see all your Members and Regular Attenders, choose Associations, then click on Member and Regular Attender to select those values.


  1. Next click on the “What” tab to choose which attendance you want to run this for. You may select All and it will list all worship service attendance as well as all group attendance for the date range you entered. You may select Service, and then choose which services you’d like to see or you may choose groups, then pick the specific groups you’d like included in the report.
  2. Next click on the Columns tab to choose the information you wish to include on the report. Click on a column name from the left column and move it to the middle column.
  3. Click on the View Records tab, to review the people that will be included in the report.
  4. Click GENERATE to run the report.

On the right side of the Report Output Window are actions that can be performed for the report.


  1. Click on PAGE SETUP to set your printer and paper size and orientation.
  2. Click on PREVIEW to preview the output. Do not send the report to the printer from this preview window, it will only send the first page to the printer.
  3. To change fonts, column sizes etc., click CUSTOMIZE. The report will be displayed in 4D View, Roll Call’s spreadsheet program. Make your modifications here.
  4. Click on PRINT to send the report to the printer.
  5. Click ZOOM IN to make the font in the report larger on your screen.
  6. Click ZOOM OUT to make the report font smaller on your screen.
  7. To save the report as a tab delimited file or html document, click SAVE. Enter the location and name of the file to be saved.

To run the by person report by week, month or year:

  1. Expand the Attendance menu.
  2. Click on Reports.
  3. Highlight Attendance by Person.
  4. Enter the date range for the attendance data you are interested in.
  5. Select by week, by month or by year as the report type.
  6. On the “Who” tab, select which people you want to run this for. You can choose by association, groups, keywords, shepherd areas or search the database. Once you choose your type, you can pick the specific values. For example, if you wanted to see all your Members and Regular Attenders, choose Associations, then click on Member and Regular Attender to select those values.


  1. Next click on the “What” tab to choose which attendance you want to run this for. You may select All and it will list all worship service attendance as well as all group attendance for the date range you entered. You may select Service, and then choose which services you’d like to see or you may choose groups, then pick the specific groups you’d like included in the report.
  2. Next click on the Columns tab to choose the information you wish to include on the report. Click on a column name from the left column and move it to the middle column.
  3. Click on the View Records tab, to review the people that will be included in the report.
  4. Click GENERATE to run the report.


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