Using Mobile CheckIn, you must use the SMS service NexMo to send texts through the tablet.
NexMo Settings
If your organization will be using the SMS service from NexMo, make sure to configure the following settings:
- Select Preferences from the Edit menu at the top (Windows machines) or the Roll Call menu (Mac machines).
- Highlight SMS Texting from the left sidebar.
- Select the option to use NexMo.
- Enter the API Key provided to your organization by NexMo.
- Enter the Secret Key provided to your organization by NexMo.
- Enter the NexMo number that was provided to your organization.
- Enter any Msg Prefix. This will be in front of every text that is sent.
- Click OK to save this information.
Sending the Text
Once you have your preferences and settings configured, you are ready to send a text. To send a text from the check in system, do the following:
Click on the Dashboard tab.
Find the student you need to send a text for.
Click on the text icon.
Choose who you will send the text to.
Type in your text message.
Click OK to send the texts.