Table Layouts

Created: 11/09/2017Updated: 11/13/2017

Before using the query editor it is helpful to understand how information is stored in Roll Call. Roll Call is based on the relational database 4D. The information is stored in tables. Each table contains information about a “thing”. For example: people, addresses, donations, groups and group members. Each table then is related to each other. For example, each donation must be for a person.


The address table contains the family specific information. Some of the fields in the address table are: Family number, Family email address, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Area Code 1, Phone 1, Area Code 2, Phone 2, Alternate Address, Shepherd Area and Wedding Date.


The people table contains the individual’s information. Some of the fields in the people table are: Family ID, Title, First Name, Nick Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender, Birthday, Age, Association, email address and envelope number. The individual’s “standard” (work, fax, pager and cell) phone numbers re stored in this table. The values for the custom fields that were defined by your church are stored in the people table. Summary donation information is stored in the people table.


The contributions table contains the high level information about a donations. Some of the fields in the contributions table are: Person who gave the donation, the donation date, the donation amount, the type of donation, the check number, property gift information and quid pro quo donation amount.


The designation table indicates which fund the donation was assigned to. If the donation was split into multiple funds, there will be multiple designation records for that donation. The designation fields are: the ID of the related donation record, the fund designation, the amount given to that fund, and the pledge ID if the designation was for a pledge fund.

Non-Cash Gift

The non-cash gift table indicates what was given, the donor, and the amount it was sold for.

Recurring Donation

Recurring donations contain information about regularly scheduled donations. It contains the donor, amount to be donated, and the frequency.


The pledge table contains the information about an individual’s pledges. The fields are the ID of the person who made the pledge, the fund that the pledge was made to, the amount of the pledge, and the start and end date of the pledge.


The group table contains the high level information about a group. The fields are the group type, the department, group name, the campus (if multi-campus is turned on), and the leader of the group. There are also custom group titles and values stored in this table.

Group Members

The group members table indicates which people are enrolled in a group. The fields include group name, the person’s ID and the custom fields defined by your church.


The sessions table contains the day of the week and the times that a group meets.

Attendance Summary

The meetings table contains an attendance summary for a group or service for a date.


The attendance table contains the specific attendance information for a group or service. Who attended, on what day, and what time.

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