To query you’ll need to fill in the following information:
- The table you’ll be querying from. For example, if the criteria is the City, you’ll be querying from the Address table. Enter this in the Query In portion of the query editor.
- The field name. In that same example, if the criteria is City, you’ll need to select City from the Field Name drop down box.
- The comparison. In this example the comparison would be “is equal to”. Highlight that in the Comparison box.
- The value. Enter the name of the city you are interested in, in the Value field.
- Press the QUERY button. A list of all the people who live in that city will be returned.
Multiple criteria query
Let’s say you want to know all the females from the city of Chicago. We’ll have two lines in this query.
Under the People menu, click on Search Profiles. Click SEARCH icon.
Enter Address as the Query In table.
Select “City” from the Field Name drop down box.
Highlight “is equal to” in the Comparison box.
Select "Chicago” as the Value.
Press the ADD LINE button.
Select People from the Query In table.
Select “Gender” from the Field Name drop down box.
Highlight “is equal to” from the Comparison box.
Enter Female as the Value.
Press QUERY. A list of women from Chicago will be displayed.
Associations query
Let’s say you want to know all the people that are Members or Regular Attenders. In this example, we’ll need to use the Associations tab of the query editor.
- Under the People menu, click on Search Profiles. Click SEARCH icon.
- Click on the Associations tab.
- Click on each Association you want to include in the query.
- Press QUERY to execute the query.
An either/or criteria
In this example, let’s say we need a list of all the people who live in a certain city OR they are assigned to a specific shepherd area.
- Under the People menu, click on Search Profiles. Click SEARCH icon.
- Enter “Address” as the Query In table. (both city and shepherd area are stored in the address table)
- Select “City” from the Field Name drop down box.
- Highlight “is equal to” in the Comparison box.
- Enter “El Paso” as the Value.
- Press the ADD LINE button.
- Press the OR button. Notice the AND is changed to OR on the second line.
- Select “Shepherd Area” from the Field Name drop down box.
- Highlight “is equal to” from the Comparison box.
- Select “Aram’s” as the Value.
- Press QUERY. A list of people who live in Evergreen OR are in Aram’s shepherd area is displayed.
Date Range Criteria
For this example, let’s create a query that gives us a list of people who have given a donation between January 1, 2017 and July 31, 2017.
- Under the People menu, click on Search Profiles. Click SEARCH icon.
- Enter “Contribtuion” as the Query In table. (donation date is stored in the Contribtuions table)
- Select “Donation Date” from the Field Name drop down box.
- Highlight “is greater than or equal to” in the Comparison box.
- Enter 1/1/17 as the Value.
- Press the ADD LINE button.
- Select “Donation Date” again from the Field Name drop down box.
- Highlight “is less than or equal to” from the Comparison box.
- Enter 7/31/17 as the Value.
- Press QUERY. A list of people who gave between 1/1/17 and 7/31/17 is displayed.
A partial name criteria
In this example we’ll use a wildcard character. The wildcard in Roll Call is the @ symbol. Let’s say we want to find all the people whose first name begins with KIM.
- Under the People menu, click on Search Profiles. Click SEARCH icon.
- Enter “People” as the Query In table. (first name is stored in the People table)
- Select “First Name” from the Field Name drop down box.
- Highlight “is equal to” in the Comparison box.
- Enter “KIM@” as the Value.
- Press QUERY. A list of people with the first name of Kim or Kimmy or Kimberly etc. will be returned.