
Modify Pledge Information

Created: 11/08/2017Updated: 04/20/2018

The only changes that are allowed to the pledge fund are to the Start Date, End Date, Fund Goal and Fund Type. If you would like to modify this information, select Search by Fund under the Pledge menu. Double click on the fund you are interested in changing.

To change individual pledge information, use the Search by Fund or Search by Person to find the specific pledge. Double click on the pledge. Make the necessary changes.


Deleting a pledge fund

If you would like to delete a pledge fund, click the Search by Fund menu item. Highlight the fund you’d like to delete, then click the -Delete sign in the lower left of the window. All pledge funds highlighted will be deleted.

Deleting pledges

If you would like to delete a pledge, click the Search by Fund menu item. Double click on the specific pledge fund. From the lower section, highlight the pledge or pledges that need to be deleted. Click the -Delete sign in the lower left of the window.

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