When folks in your congregation get married, this needs to be reflected in Roll Call. From a database standpoint there are several scenarios:
- The husband or wife is already part of your congregation and has a record in Roll Call, but the other does not.
- Both the individuals are part of your church and have records in Roll Call.
- The husband or wife have children as part of their family.
Add to Existing Family
To handle the situation where one person is already in the database, but the other is not, do the following:
- Expand the People menu.
- Click on Search Profiles.
- Find the record of the person who is in your database and double click on their record.
- Change the Family Position to Husband or Wife from Adult.
- Change the Marital Status to Married.
- Next, click on the SAVE & NEW button at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose the option for ADD NEW FAMILY MEMBER.
- Now you can enter the information for the husband or wife that was not already in your database.
- Click SAVE & CLOSE when you’ve completed your data entry.
Both are in the Database
If both husband and wife attend your church and have records in Roll Call, do the following:
- Expand the People menu.
- Click on Search Profiles.
- Find the record of the wife in your database and double click on her record.
- Click on the Head of Family checkbox.
- Choose the option for “Make this person a member of another family”.
- Enter the Last Name of the husband.
- Click OK in the lower right.
- A list of people with that last name will be displayed. Click to highlight the husband’s name, and click OK.
- The wife is now part of the husband’s family.
- Change the Family Position to Husband or Wife from Adult.
- Click SAVE & CLOSE when you’ve completed your changes.
Children are Involved
To handle the situation where both the husband and wife attend your church and have individual records in the database and the wife has children, do the following:
- Expand the People menu.
- Click on Search Profiles.
- Find the record of the wife in your database and double click on her record.
- Click on the Head of Family checkbox.
- Choose the option for “Make this person a member of another family ”
- Enter the Last Name of the husband.
- Highlight the children’s names on the right that should be moved into the new family.
- Click OK in the lower right.
- A list of people with that last name will be displayed. Click to highlight the husband’s name, and click OK.
- The wife and children are now part of the husband’s family.
- Change the Family Position for both the husband and wife.
- Change the Marital Status to Married for the husband and wife.
- Click SAVE & CLOSE when you’ve completed your changes.