Groups are defined by the following classifications:
Campus - If your church has multiple campuses or locations with different groups and classes at each site, you may want to define your groups at the campus level. The campus indicates which site or location the group stems from.
Group Type - The next level in the hierarchy is group type. This tells us the general classification of the group. Is the group a committee, a small group, a Sunday school class or a youth group? Your church defines these group types or classifications. Roll Call’s default group types are Group and Class.
Department - The next level in the hierarchy is the department. The department is the ministry area within your church that is responsible for overseeing the group. Children’s Ministry, Congregational Care, Youth and Music are some common departments.
Status - The status indicates whether the group is active or inactive.
Every group that is defined in Roll Call must be assigned a Group Type, Department, Name and Status. Status always defaults to active.