
Setup with Roll Call

Created: 11/14/2017Updated: 12/01/2017

The first step is to set up the BioPlugin Adapter settings on each of the client machines. Double click on the BioPlugin Adapter icon. From the finger print window, click on the SETTINGS button. fingervein From the General tab, you’ll need to enter the IP address and port number of the Biometric Server. This information can be found in the Control Panel under Biometric Server. fingervein2 From the Interface tab, you’ll need to indicate this is a Keyboard Interface. fingervein3 From the Destination Windows tab, you’ll need to indicate that you are connecting to Roll Call. If you are using a single check in station, the Window Title is “Roll Call”. If you have multiple check in stations and are using a network version of Roll Call, the Window Title is also “Roll Call”. Enter rollcall as the Keystroke Destination. Make sure the suffix is set to p {enter}fingervein4

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