
Non-Cash/Property Gift Contributions

Created: 11/03/2017Updated: 04/20/2018

There are 3 ways that you can enter an in-kind or property gift in Roll Call:

Donation Type Use the donation type method if you’d like to assign a value to the property gift. You will need to use this method if you want to apply this gift towards a pledge.

In-Kind tab Use this method if you do not want to assign a value to this gift.

Non-Cash screen Use this method if you have a complicated transaction such as stock or real estate where brokerage fees need to be applied.

Donation Type

To record a property gift using the Donation Type method, do the following:

  1. Create a non-cash type batch.
  2. Click on the plus sign in the lower left.

Enter the following information:

Enter Donor Name or Envelope Number - when recording contributions, the first thing you need to do is identify the donor. If you use envelope numbers, enter the number and press tab. The donor information will be displayed on the right side. If you use name to identify the donor, enter the last name then press tab. You will be taken to the Select a Person window. You can further reduce the names in the list by typing the first few characters of the first name. You can double click on the name to select it, or if it is already highlighted, press Enter on your keyboard.

Date – the donation date will default to the same as the batch date. If you’d like to change this date you can enter it here.

Total Amount – Enter approximate value of the gift. This amount will be listed on the yearend tax statement with an asterisk to indicate that this amount needs to be determined by the donor.

Donation Type – Select a donation type that has been defined as a “non-cash” type.

Designation – Use the drop down list of values to select the fund that these monies were given to.

Description – Enter a description of the property donated.


Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new contribution in this batch. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the current contribution and return to Batch window.

In Kind tab

To enter a property gift without having to enter an amount, do the following:

  1. Create a non-cash type batch.
  2. Click on the plus sign in the lower left.

Enter the following information:

Enter Donor Name or Envelope Number. When recording contributions, the first thing you need to do is identify the donor. If you use envelope numbers, enter the number and press tab. The donor information will be displayed on the right side. If you use name to identify the donor, enter the last name then press tab. You will be taken to the Select a Person window. You can further reduce the names in the list by typing the first few characters of the first name. You can double click on the name to select it, or if it is already highlighted, press Enter on your keyboard.

Date – the donation date will default to the same as the batch date. If you’d like to change this date you can enter it here.

Total Amount – Leave this amount 0.

Donation Type – Select a donation type that has been defined as a “non-cash” type.

Click on the In Kind tab. You may enter the amount and designation if you wish. This will be for informational purposes only. The amount will not be used on year-end statements or against pledges.

Description – enter the description of the property gift. This description will be listed on the donation receipt


Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new contribution in this batch. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the current contribution and return to Batch window.

Non-Cash screen

If you have large property gifts, where you need to track the sale of stock or real estate, use the Non-Cash gift screen.

To record a property gift using the Non-Cash gift screen:

  1. Expand the Contributions menu on the left
  2. Expand the Non-Cash Gift menu
  3. Click on Add a Non-Cash Gift
  4. Enter the Gift Date and select Gift Type. Gift types are the donation types that are marked as non-cash items.
  5. Enter a Description of the gift. When you press tab, the first 20 characters of this description will be copied to Receipt Description. The receipt description is listed on the donation receipt detail. You may modify this description if you’d like.
  6. The Status will be set to “Pending”. When the gift is posted and a donation record is created, the status will be automatically changed to “Posted”.
  7. Enter the donor’s Last Name and press the tab key. A list of people with that last name will be displayed. Click on the appropriate person to select. Notice the full name and address is displayed under Donor/Address.
  8. Enter the Designation or the fund that this gift was given to.
  9. Enter the Quantity, Unit Selling Price and $ Value at Sale. Enter the amount of Commission & Fees. The Net Sales Cash Proceeds will be calculated.
  10. Enter the Sell Date and the Initials of the person responsible, if applicable.
  11. Enter the Contribution JE Date and Initials of the person who made the journal entry, if applicable.
  12. Indicate if the Contribution Letter was sent, the Date Letter Sent and Initials of the person who processed the letter.


  1. You may enter the Agent, Contact Name and Contact Phone for the agency that processed the sale.
  2. Click GIFT COMMENT if you’d like to enter additional comments regarding this gift.

Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new non-cash contribution. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the current contribution and return to Search window.

These non-cash contributions will not be recognized until they are posted. That is, they will not be included in any contribution reports or receipts until they are posted. To post the non-cash contribution, do the following:

  1. Click POST from within the non-cash screen.
  2. Highlight one or more non-cash contributions from the search window and click POST. noncashpost When the non-cash contributions are posted, they will show up in the Search by Batch window.

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