
User Security

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

Activate Security

To activate the security system in Roll Call you will need to give Director a password. Once Director has a password, you will be required to log into Roll Call with a valid user name and password.

To give Director a password, expand the Administration menu. Click on User Security. Click on Director form the list on the left. Click on the CHANGE PASSWORD button. Enter a password.


There are password preferences you can set for you system. The preferences allow you to select how often a person needs to change their password, if a password is required, how many characters the password needs to be, etc.

To set the preferences:

  1. Expand the Administration menu.
  2. Click on User Security.
  3. Click on the Prefs icon (right side).


  1. Enter the Maximum Password Age. If you do not want passwords to expire, mark the option for “Passwords Never Expire”. If you want the passwords to expire after a certain length of time, mark the option for “Expires In” and indicate how long.
  2. Enter the Minimum Password Age. If you don’t care how often the user changes their password, you can mark the option for “Allow Changes Immediately”. If you only want them to be able to change so often, mark the option for “Expires In” then enter the number of days.
  3. Enter the Minimum Password Length. If you wish to allow blank passwords, mark the option to “Allow Blank”. Otherwise, enter the “At Least” number of characters.

Create New User

To create a new user:

  1. Expand the Administration menu.
  2. Click on User Security.
  3. Click on the plus sign in the lower left under the user names.
  4. Enter the user name for this user.
  5. Enter a default password.
  6. Indicate if this will be a standard user or a check in user. Standard users will see the Navigator window when the sign in. Check In users will see the check in screen when they log in.
  7. Click OK to save that user.
  8. Next mark the security levels that are appropriate for this user.


The following are the security levels for a standard users.

Read Only If this box is checked, a user will have read only privileges for the areas marked.

People If this box is marked, the user can view, enter and delete people information.

Groups This allows the user to view, enter and delete groups.

Services This allows the user to view, enter and delete worship services.

Contributions This allows the user to view, enter and delete contributions.

Contributions Plus This allows the user to post and reverse batches. They can also transfer contributions.

Pledges This allows the user to view, enter and delete pledges.

Letters Allows this user to access the word processor portion of Roll Call.

Visitation Allows this user to view, enter and delete visitation information.

Background Checks Allows the user to view, enter and delete background check information.

Attendance Allows the user to view, record, modify and delete attendance information.

Graduation Allows the user to set up graduation profiles and to do the graduation.

Expert Allows the user to do the duplicate check check, access preferences, child check in set up preferences and bulk changes.

Confidential Comments Allows the user to view, enter and delete confidential comments.

Custody Comments Allows the user to view, enter and delete custody comments.

Email Allows the user to email from Roll Call.

Edit Lists Allows the user to create, modify and delete list of values. For example, Associations, Cities, and Keywords.

Assign ID’s Allows the user to enter family numbers and badge number.

People Import Allows the user to import people into the system.

People Export Allows the user to export people information to a tab delimited file.

The security levels for check in allow the user to get to the check in screens. The information entered for the check in user will determine what the check in screen will look like. The check in user manual goes into each level in-depth.

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