The Contribution Detail report outlines all contributions for a given time period, for the funds you are interested in, for the donors you select. To run the Contribution Detail report:
- Expand the Contributions menu.
- Click on Reports.
- Click Contribution Detail on the left sidebar.
- Click on the Criteria tab. From the criteria tab, select the date range that you wish for this report.
- Then under the Who tab, select the donors you wish to include in the report. Once you’ve chose who, click on the What tab. From here, select the funds you are interested in including on this report.
- Click on the Columns tab. Choose the columns you wish to view on the report. There are default fields already set up for this report, but you can drag additional fields from the left side to the Selected column. You can rearrange the ordering in the Selected column by dragging and dropping in the order you wish to see them in the report.
- If you’d like to change the sort order, move the columns from the Selected column to the “Sort” column.
In this example, lets say we’d like a donor report for all donors (we don’t care what their association is) and we want to know all of their contributions for all funds. On this report we want to see donor name, email address, contribution date and amount.
- Highlight Contribution Detail on the left sidebar.
- From the Criteria tab, select “This Week” from the date range drop down.
- Click on the Who tab. Leave “Everyone” selected.
- Click on the What tab. Click the double arrow to move all funds to the Selected column.
- Mark the box to include non-cash gifts if you want to include property gift amounts in the report as well.
- Click on the Columns tab. Drag the fields from the left side column to the Selected column on the report.
- Click GENERATE to produce the report.
On the right side of the Report Output Window are actions that can be performed for the report.
- Click on PAGE SETUP to set your printer and paper size and orientation.
- Click on PREVIEW to preview the output. Do not send the report to the printer from this preview window, it will only send the first page to the printer.
- To change fonts, column sizes etc., click CUSTOMIZE. The report will be displayed in 4D View, Roll Call’s spreadsheet program. Make your modifications here.
- Click on PRINT to send the report to the printer.
- Click ZOOM IN to make the font in the report larger on your screen.
- Click ZOOM OUT to make the report font smaller on your screen.
- To save the report as a tab delimited file or html document, click SAVE. Enter the location and name of the file to be saved.
- Click SAVE SET to save the list of people for use later within Roll Call.
- Click CREATE LABELS to create address labels (3 across 10 down size) for this list of people.
- Click WRITE LETTER, to compose a mail merge letter to this list of people.
- Click EMAIL to send an email to this list people or to email the report to another individual. If you choose Email people, it will send the email to everyone listed in the report.