
Canadian Receipts

Created: 11/07/2017Updated: 11/15/2017

The Canadian receipts are 1/3 page receipts. They can be printed 1 per page or in triplicate. They summarize the contributions for previous year. There can be only one “original” receipt printed, each subsequent print has the word “copy” on it. There are three types of Canadian receipts:

  1. Check or cash gifts
  2. Cash gifts with advantage (Quid Pro Quo)
  3. Non-cash or property gifts (In Kind gifts)

Printing Canadian receipts

To print Canadian receipts:

  1. Expand the Contributions menu and click Bulk Receipts.
  2. From the criteria tab, select Canadian Receipt as the format.
  3. Select the year for which you’ll be printing the receipts. Once you choose the year, the starting and ending dates will be filled in. These dates may be changed.

From the print options section:

  1. If you would like to print a sample receipt, mark the Sample box. This uses sample data. It is used primarily for lining up paper and viewing the format.
  2. Choose the Classic or Alternate format. The Classic format was based on an example from the Canadian Tax Authority. The Alternate format lines up organization and donor addresses better.


If you would like to use the custom bottom text, mark the Receipt Text box in the Print Options area.

  1. Select either a single copy or triplicate within the Print Options box. If you select “single”, only one receipt will be printed for each donor. If you select triplicate, 3 receipts will be printed. One will be the “original”, the other 2 will be labeled “copy”.
  2. Indicate the type of labels you’d like to print in the Print Option area. If you do not want to print labels, select none. If you are printing on labels that are 3 across and 10 down, select Avery 5160 labels. If you would like to create a custom size and format, select custom. See “Creating Custom Labels” for more details.
  3. Many times receipts must be re-printed for various reasons (they get lost, the printer jams, or they get lost in the mail). If you need a copy of a receipt that has already been printed, select “Reprint”. If you need a second “original”, select “Original”.
  4. If you would like to print labels only, select the type of label from the Print Options area, then mark “Labels only”.

From the Sort options area: If you would like to have the receipts printed in alphabetical order, select Last Name in the Sort options box. If you would like to print the receipts in postal code order, select Postal Code in the Sort Options box.

From the Organization Logo section: If you would like to include your logo in the upper left corner of the receipt, click the ADD IMAGE button. This will allow you to go out to the operating system and pull in your logo.

From the Signature section:

  1. To pull in an electronic signature for the authorized person, click the ADD IMAGE button. This will allow you to go out to the operating system and pull in the signature.
  2. Enter the Name of the person authorized to sign the receipt.
  3. Enter the Location at which is issuing the receipt.

View People

The view people tab is used to review the list of people that will be getting a statement. If you’d like to print a receipt for all these people, click PRINT RECEIPT. If you only want to print them for several of the people in the list, highlight the people that you want, then click PRINT RECEIPTS. It will only print statements for those people that were highlighted.


Printing/emailing your receipt

Once you have set up your criteria, reviewed the list of people and set up your text areas, click on PRINT RECEIPTS. The statements will be printed for everyone in the view people tab that does not have Email checked. If you want to print a receipt for everyone in the list regardless of the Email status, simply highlight all the people, then click PRINT RECEIPT.

If you’d like to email the statements, click EMAIL RECEIPTS. You will be given the choice to simply create a pdf for each statement, or to create pdf and send email. The receipts will be emailed to everyone in the list that has Email checked. If you want to override the Email status, highlight everyone you’d like to email a statement, then click SEND EMAIL.

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