
Install Roll Call Connect

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

Roll Call Connect runs in a browser on your computer or mobile device so there is no software to install on these devices. However, since Roll Call Connect accesses your Roll Call data, you will need to install Roll Call Server software on a computer (either Mac or Windows OS). By The Book also offers a monthly service where we install and manage your Roll Call Server on one of our servers. If you are interested in this option please contact our office.

To install Roll Call Connect you will need to perform the following steps:

Install Roll Call Server

You can either run Roll Call Server locally or have By The Book host your Roll Call Server. If you run it locally, you will need to pick a computer (either Mac or Windows OS) on which to install Roll Call Server. If you already have Roll Call Server installed then you can skip to the next step. If you are currently running Roll Call Standalone, you will want to uninstall it, install Roll Call Server and move your data file from standalone to server. Click on the following link to get the installer for Roll Call Server:

Refer to the Roll Call User manual for instructions on installing Roll Call Server We recommend a computer with 8 GB of RAM (minimum of 4GB) for Roll Call Server when running Roll Call Connect

Install Roll Call Client

In order to enable Roll Call Connect you must log into Roll Call Client. If you already have Roll Call Client installed on a computer you can skip to the next step. To access the installer for Roll Call Client please refer to the link above. You may install Roll Call Client on the same computer as Roll Call Server or on a different computer.

Enable Roll Call Connect

Start Roll Call Client and log in as Director or Administrator. Click on the File > Enter License menu. Click on the Connect tab and either enter your license# for Connect or click on the “Try it” button to get a 30 day trial. connect try it

You will need to shutdown Roll Call Client and restart Roll Call Server. On Mac OS X, when you restart Roll Call Server it may ask you to install a 4D Helper tool. Make sure you do this. A word about the 4D Helper tool (Excerpt taken from 4D’s Language Reference Manual)

HelperTool under Mac OS X Under Mac OS X, using TCP/IP ports reserved for Web publishing (ports 0 to 1023) requires specific access privileges. In order for you to be able to use these ports, 4D provides a utility program named HelperTool. When this program is installed, it retrieves the appropriate access rights and automatically takes charge of opening the Web ports.

The HelperTool application is included in the 4D software. Installation takes place automatically during the first opening of a port <1024 on the machine. The user is informed that a tool is going to be installed and is prompted to enter a name and an administrator password for the machine.

This operation only takes place once. The application is renamed "com.4D.HelperTool" and is installed in the folder "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/." After the initial sequence, the 4D Web server can be started and stopped transparently, regardless of the 4D version used.

Verify the Roll Call’s web server is working

On a computer connected to the same network as the Roll Call Server computer, open a browser and type: http:///co where is the IP address of the computer running Roll Call Server. The login window for Roll Call Connect should appear.

connect Web Portal At this point you have Roll Call Connect working internally on your network using the default settings. To access Connect outside of your internal network or to change the port that Roll Call’s web server runs on refer to the next section.

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