
Accessing Connect

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 03/20/2018

There are two portals to Roll Call Connect that can be accessed via a web browser:

Connect Portal

To access Roll Call Connect type: https://<ssldomainname>:<webport>/co Where: • <ssldomainname> is the domain name for your SSL Certificate • <webport> is the port number on which Apache is listening for SSL traffic (if 443 then you don’t need to specify this.) • You may only use HTTPS if you have purchased and installed an SSL certificate

Giving Portal

If you have enabled On-Line Giving in Roll Call Connect, you can access the giving portal from within Roll Call Connect. However, you might want to send an email with a direct link to the giving portal or add a link to your website to enable direct access to the giving portal. The link is: https://<ssldomainname>:<webport>/co/give

Where: • <ssldomainname> is the domain name for your SSL Certificate • <webport> is the port number on which Apache is listening for SSL traffic (if 443 then you don’t need to specify this. • You may only use HTTPS if you have purchased and installed an SSL certificate

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