
Logging In

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

Members of your congregation will be able to do the following in Roll Call Connect

  1. View and update their contact information.
  2. View their giving history.
  3. Make online contributions.
  4. View groups they are involved in.
  5. View a roster of group members.
  6. Record attendance for a group if they are the leader or administrator for that group.

Based on your church’s Roll Call settings some of these functions may not be available.

To access Roll Call Connect, the user must login from a web browser. The URL for the login page will be the ip-address of the Roll Call Server machine followed by “/co”, for example: http://your-ip-address/co

Ideally that ip address will be fixed and you’ll have a “Login” link on your website pointing to that page.

If you have not created a Connect account yet, you’ll need to do that:

  1. Click on the NEW USER tab.

  2. Enter your Personal Email address. connect Web Portal

  3. Enter your Last Name.

  4. Click SUBMIT.

  5. If the system finds a match between that email address and last name, you will receive an email with a link to set your password.

  6. If the system does not find a record in Roll Call with that email and last name, the user will be prompted for additional information. After this information is filled out and submitted, the user will be sent an email with a link to create a password.

  7. From your email program, click on the link in the email. It will take you to a page to set your password.

You are now ready to log in and start using Connect.

To log into Connect, do the following:

  1. Make sure you are anchored on the Login tab.
  2. Enter your User Name (email address).
  3. Enter your Password.
  4. Choose the App Format (Desktop/Tablet).
  5. Click LOGIN.

Forgot Password

If you have created a Connect username, but have forgotten your password, simply click on the Forgot Password link from the login screen. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address and last name. Enter that information and click SEND LINK. An email will be sent with a link to update your password.

Change Password If you would like to change your password:

  1. Log into Connect.
  2. From the Gear button in the upper right of the page, click on the Change Password link.
  3. Enter a new password.
  4. Enter the new password again in the Confirm box.
  5. Click CONFIRM button.

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