
Profile Information

Created: 11/16/2017Updated: 04/23/2018

When you first log into Roll Call Connect a list of your family members will be displayed. Tap on any of the family members to view their details. profilephoneconnect Update Profile/ General Information To update the personal profile information:

  1. Tap on family members name.
  2. Tap on Personal to expand this section.
  3. Tap on Edit in the upper right of the window.
  4. Update the necessary information such as name, birthday, cell phone etc.
  5. Tap save in the upper right to save your changes.

updatepersonalinfoconnectphonecong Update Address Information To update the address or family type information:

  1. Tap on any family members name.
  2. Tap on Address to expand this section.
  3. Tap on Edit in the upper right of the window.
  4. Update the necessary information such as address, home phone or family email address.
  5. Tap on SAVE in the upper right to save your changes.


Add New Family Member To add a new person to your family, do the following:

  1. From the list of family members, tap on the plus sign in upper right.
  2. Enter the information about this person, name, gender, birthdate, etc.
  3. Tap on SAVE in the upper right. addtofamilyconnectphone2addtofamilyconnectphone Upload Picture To upload a profile picture for a person in the family, do the following:
  4. Tap on the name of the family member for which you’d like to upload a picture.
  5. Tap on the head image to the left of the person’s name.
  6. Navigate to the image file you’d like to upload.
  7. Tap SAVE in the upper right. uploadpicconnect

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