
Custom Name Tags

Created: 11/01/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

If you would like to use a label size other than the 30256 or the 30334, you will need to create a custom label. If you’d like additional information on the name tags that is not included on the standard 30256 or 30334 labels, you’ll need to create a custom label.

If you choose to customize your labels, you’ll need to customize the parent tag, child tag and adult/youth tag.

Set the Label Size

In order to customize your check-in labels you must go into the Check-In/Out setup wizard from the Navigator screen.

  1. Click on the Tags icon.
  2. Answer Yes to the question “Do you want to print tags?”
  3. Click NEXT.
  4. Mark the Label Size option Custom.
  5. Choose the Label Size you will be using. If you will be adding information to the 30256 or 30334 labels, you’ll need to select that size in the custom area.
  6. Choose Portrait or Landscape (this will depend on your label size and orientation).
  7. Click NEXT.


Customize the Parent Tag

If you have marked the option to create custom labels, you will need to also customize the parent tag. From this window, answer “Yes” if you wish to print a parent tag. Next choose the security number you’d like to use on the parent tag. Once you’ve made those selections you may begin defining your parent tag.

  2. The canvas and object library windows are displayed. The canvas is used to layout the tag and position the fields on the tag. The object library contains all the available fields that can be used on the canvas.
  3. To create the parent tag, define the canvas, place fields on the canvas, and format the fields.
  4. Click SAVE icon to save the parent tag definition.

Define the Canvas

Before you begin dragging and dropping fields onto your canvas, you’ll want to:

  1. Set the page size.
  2. Place your markers.
  3. Outline the upper left quadrant with a box. This makes it easy to see the area you have to work in.

Click on the page size icon. This will allow you to set the page size and orientation.


The canvas area that represents the label is the upper left quadrant. If any objects are placed outside of that quadrant, multiple labels will be printed.

Next you’ll need to place your markers at the appropriate height. The markers are the lines that go horizontally across the canvas. They have an arrow on the right side of the grid. If you don’t see the markers, right mouse click on the canvas and select Display>Markers.

There are three markers: Detail, Break and Footer. All three of these markers need to be set just above the line, which represents the bottom of the label. If these markers need to be moved, click on the arrow then drag to the appropriate position. Do not place fields below these lines.


You may wish to draw a box around the area on the canvas where you can place fields. This makes it much easier to see the area that you’ll be using. Click on the box icon on the left side of the canvas. Place your cursor in the upper left of the label area and drag it to the lower right area of the label area. You now have a white area in the upper left quadrant that represents the area that you can place fields.

Place Objects

You may place static text, images or data from the object library on your canvas.

To place static text onto the canvas, click on the Text tool on the left side of the canvas. Now draw a text box on the canvas. Enter your text. You may use the property box on the right to modify the size and font of the text.

To place an image on the label, open the image file in a previewer, copy it and paste it on the canvas. You can then resize it and move it where you’d like it. Please note, if your image is a large high-resolution image, it can slow down your printing time.

To place data or system information, drag the applicable field from the object library onto the canvas. To change the size or font of the data, select the field on the canvas, and use the property box to change size and font. cciparenttagcustomgif2

To align fields on the canvas, use the alignment tool on top of the canvas to center, align left or align right. Fields that would make sense to include on the parent tag would be Current Date, Family Number, or Security Code. ccicustomtagalign

Save Parent Tag Definition

Once you’ve created your parent tag, click the SAVE icon to save your customizations. cciparenttagcustom

Test the Parent Tag

After saving your definition, you’ll want to test it. Close the canvas window. Click PRINT TEST LABEL. If everything prints okay, click NEXT to move on to the customization of the child tag. If the parent tag did not print properly, click CUSTOMIZE again to make necessary corrections.

This is a bit of a trial and error process. Once everything is working, you will want to delete the box outline around the objects on the canvas. Highlight the box and click the delete key on your keyboard. Make sure only the outline is highlighted, not all the objects within the box.

Customize the Child Name Tag

Once you’ve completed the customization of the parent tag, you can move on to customize the child’s name tag. From this window, you can set your security number, customize the tag and test the tag.

  2. The canvas and object library windows are displayed. The canvas is used to layout the tag, as well as position fields on the tag. The object library contains all the available fields that can be used on the canvas.
  3. To create the child tag, define the canvas, place fields on the canvas, and format those fields.
  4. Click SAVE icon to save the child tag definition.

Define the Canvas

Before you begin dragging and dropping fields onto your canvas, you’ll want to:

  1. Set the page size.
  2. Place your markers.
  3. Outline the upper left quadrant with a box. This makes it easy to see the area you have to work in.

Click on the page size icon. This will allow you to set the page size and orientation.


The canvas area that represents the label is the upper left quadrant. If any objects are placed outside of that quadrant, multiple labels will be printed.

Next you’ll need to place your markers at the appropriate height. The markers are the lines that go horizontally across the canvas. They have an arrow on the right side of the grid. If you don’t see the markers, right mouse click on the canvas and select Display>Markers.

There are three markers: Detail, Break and Footer. All three of these markers need to be set just above the line, which represents the bottom of the label. If these markers need to be moved, click on the arrow then drag to the appropriate position. Do not place fields below these lines. ccichildcustom2

You may wish to draw a box around the area on the canvas that you can place fields. This makes it much easier to see the area that you’ll be using. Click on the box icon on the left side of the canvas. Place your cursor in the upper left of the label area and drag it to the lower right area of the label area. You now have a white area in the upper left quadrant that represents the area that you can place fields.

Place Objects

You may place static text, images or data from the object library on your canvas. To place static text onto the canvas, click on the Text tool on the left side of the canvas. Now draw a text box on the canvas. Enter your text. You may use the property box on the right to modify the size and font of the text.


To place an image on the label, open the image file in a previewer, copy it and paste it on the canvas. You can then resize it and move it where you’d like it. Please note, if your image is a large, high-resolution image, it can slow down your printing time.

To place data or system information, drag the applicable field from the object library onto the canvas. To change the size or font of the data, select the field on the canvas, then use the property box to change size and font. ccichildcustomgif3

To align fields on the canvas, use the alignment tool on top of the canvas to center, align left or align right.

Test the Child Tag

After saving your definition, you’ll want to test it. Close the canvas window. Click PRINT TEST LABEL. If everything prints okay, click NEXT to move on to the customization of the adult/youth tag. If the child tag did not print properly, click CUSTOMIZE again to make necessary corrections.

This is a bit of a trial and error process. Once everything is working, you will want to delete the box outline around the objects on the canvas. Highlight the box and click the delete key on your keyboard. Make sure only the outline is highlighted, not all the objects within the box

The next step is to customize the Adult/Youth Name tag. Follow the same steps as with the Child Tag.

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