
Add People - Detailed Profile

Created: 10/27/2017Updated: 04/19/2018

The Family Detail screen can be used to add much more detail for each family member. Use this screen if you need to pull in pictures, enter custom fields or other detailed information not available in the Add a Family screen.

To add a family using this window:

  1. Expand the People menu and click Search Profiles
  2. Click the +ADD button in the lower left corner.

General Information

The main portion of this screen allows you to pull in pictures for family members, enter general information about the family member and the families address and home phone number. Enter the following information that applies:


Title – Select the formal title for this family member.

First Name – Enter the first name for the family member.

Nickname – If different than the first name, enter the “goes by” name.

Middle – Enter the middle name or initial for the family member.

Suf – Enter the suffix, for example Jr., Sr., III etc.

Maiden Name – Enter the maiden name for this family member.

Family Position – Select Husband, Wife, Adult, Youth or Child.

Gender – Select the gender for this family member.

Marital Status – Select the marital status of this family member.

Spouse – If this family member is married, enter their spouse name.

Association – Enter the membership status of this family member.

Birthdate – Enter the birthday for this family member. Year is not required when entered from here.

Personal email – Enter the email address for this individual.

Unlisted – Mark if the email address should be unlisted (not in directories).

Staff – Mark if this individual is on staff at your organization.

Cell Phone – Enter the cell phone number for the family member.

Unlisted – Mark if the cell phone should be unlisted.

Carrier – Select the cell phone carrier used by this family member. This is required to send texts if you will not be using the NexMo SMS service.

Work Phone – Enter the business phone number for this individual.

Ext. – Enter the extension for the work phone number.

Unlisted – Mark this box if the work phone number should be unlisted.

Exclude from Directories – Mark if this person does not wish to be included in any directories.

To pull in a profile picture, click on the plus sign to navigate to your operating system. Highlight the file name of your photo, then click OPEN. Or you may simply drag and drop the picture into the box for the profile picture.

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Move to the lower section to enter the family address and phones.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Family Info

The family info section includes a family photo, home phones and address information. Enter the following information: addpeopleprofilepic

Primary Phone – Enter the home phone number for the family.

Unlisted – Mark if the home phone should be unlisted.

Alt Phone – Enter an alternate home phone number if applicable.

*Family No *– If you are manually assigning family numbers, enter it here. A family number is the unique identifier for the family. It can be used with the check in system.

Wedding Date – Enter the anniversary date for the husband and wife in this family.

Street – Enter street address where this family lives or receives mail.

More Add – Enter the PO Box or apartment portion of the address.

City/St/Postal – Enter the city, state or providence abbreviation and zip code or postal code portion of the address.

Bad Address – Mark this box if you know this address is not valid.

Do not Send – Mark this box if the family does not wish to receive mail from your organization.

Unlisted – Mark this box if the family wishes the address to be unlisted.

Family Email – Enter the email address that should be used to receive “family” emails.

Shepherd Area – Enter the person, deacon or zone that is responsible for watching over this family.

To pull in a family picture, click on the plus sign to navigate to your operating system. Highlight the file name of your photo, then click OPEN. Or you may simply drag and drop the picture into the box for the profile picture. Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section such as salutations or additional phones.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.


The salutation section is used to enter an optional mailing name and directory listing information. To enter this information, click on the Salutations link on the left sidebar section. Enter the following information:


Optional Mailing Name – Enter the mailing name to be used for this family. This will override our standard addressing options. By default we use John & Sue Baker or Mr.& Mrs. John Baker. If there is an optional mailing name all correspondence will use that name.

Family Picture Label – This is the label that will be used in the family picture directory. Enter salutation information.

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Additional Phones

The additional phones section can be used to enter pager, fax or other phone numbers for a family member. To enter this information, click on Additional Phones on the left sidebar section. Enter the following: additionalphones

Pager – Enter the pager number for this family member.

Fax – Enter the fax number for this family member.

The additional phone section on the right can be used to enter an unlimited number of phone numbers. Click on the ADD button in the lower right to open up a row for data entry. Enter the following:

Phone – Enter the phone number.

Ext – Enter any extension associated with this phone number.

Description – Enter the type of phone number. For example, second cell, grandmas, babysitters etc.)

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Custom Fields

There are three types of custom fields available in Roll Call. There are “fields” which are text type fields. There are “checkboxes” which are yes/no or true/false type fields. And there are date fields. These fields can be used to track pieces of information your organization needs, but that are not included in the standard Roll Call fields.


If your organization has defined custom fields, enter that information:

  1. Click on Custom Fields on the left sidebar section.
  2. Click on the tab for Fields, Check Boxes or Dates.
  3. Enter the value associated with the custom field.

Use the CHANGE TITLES button to define the labels you wish to use for the custom fields. These labels will be consistent across all records in your database. Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section such as salutations or additional phones.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Significant Dates

Significant dates are “life event” type dates that your organization may want to track. Examples of a significant date might be the death in a family, diagnosis of an illness or a divorce. To enter a significant date for a family member, click on Significant Dates link on the left sidebar. Click the ADD button underneath the dates section to open up a row for data entry. Enter the following:


Date – Enter the date of the significant event.

Type - Enter the type of significant event.

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.


Keywords are a great way to categorize folks in your database. They can be used to track spiritual gifts, talents or volunteer interests. To enter this information for the family member, click on Keywords on the left sidebar. Click on the ADD button underneath the keywords section. This opens up a row for data entry. Enter the following:


Date - Enter the date if applicable. We’ve had several churches use this to track responses from a questionnaire. This date was the date of the survey.

Keyword – Select the keyword or category you’d like to assign to this person.

Ranking – Entering the ranking if applicable. This could represent a level of interest.

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Check In Settings

The check in settings are pieces of information used by the the check in/out system in Roll Call. You can enter allergy information, check in alerts that pop up when a child checks in as well as custody comments that are displayed when a child is checked out. To enter this information for the child, click on Check In Settings on the left sidebar. Click on the General tab. Enter the following information:

Allergies - Enter any allergies that this child has. This information can be printed on the name tag and check in roster, when I child is checked into a class.

Check In Alert – Enter the alert that should be displayed when this child checks into a class.

Custody Comments – Enter any pertinent custody information. This information will be printed on check in roster. It will also be displayed on the screen upon check out.

If you will be using the system to record check out’s, you can set up who is allowed to check this child out. To enter this information:

  1. Click on Check In Settings on the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the Authorized CheckOut tab.
  3. Click on the plus sign in the lower left of the section to add a person to the list.
  4. Enter the Last Name of the authorized person. Choose the appropriate person from the list that is returned.
  5. Enter the relationship between the child and the authorized person.


Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.


The comments section includes an area for general free form comments, allergy information and confidential comments. To enter these:

  1. Click on Comments on the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the General tab.
  3. Enter any comments or allergy information for this family member.
  4. Click on the Confidential Comments tab.
  5. Click on the plus sign in the lower left to open the window to enter confidential comments. A user must have specific security privileges to enter and view this information.

Once you entered this information you may:

  1. Enter data in another section.
  2. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the information and close the window.
  3. Click SAVE & NEW to enter a new family member or an entirely new family.
  4. Click CANCEL to close the window without saving any of the information.

Add a New Family Member

When you have entered all the information for this specific individual, you can begin entering the details for another family member. To do this, click on the + sign next to the FAMILY MEMBERS area in the upper left. Begin entering info, then press SAVE AND CLOSE when finished.


You can also enter new family members by pressing the SAVE and NEW and selecting the ADD A NEW FAMILY MEMBER button.addanewfamilymember

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